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welcome to nSpeak!
Let’s review the welcome email.
At any point you can view the Quick Reference Guide here:

your extension details
Please take note of your extension, PIN, and voicemail extension.

Your extension is what your colleagues will dial to contact you. This is your identity on the system.
Your PIN is the is the password you will need to enter when prompted by the voicemail system.
Your voicemail extension is what you will dial to access your voicemail. Keep in mind you can also see your email in the web portal and the mobile app
the web client
Take note of your login URL, username, and you will need to set your password.

Your login URL is the web address of your Web Client
Your login is your username to log into the Web Client – this will be the same as your extension
The password you set is the password used to log into the Web Client
the 3CX apps
Take note of the links to the appropriate app store for your device.

Once you have the mobile app installed you can scan the QR Code in the Webclient or Desktop app

See the article “Mobile Apps” for more information on installing and configuring your mobile app
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